Wednesday 22 June 2016

House Democrats Stage Sit-In For Gun Control

Democrats have staged a highly unusual sit-in on the floor of the US House of Representatives to demand action on gun control.
The lawmakers occupied the podium area, refusing to leave until they secured a vote, as Republicans cut off cameras broadcasting the protest.
The protest has gone on late into the night, with the politicians shouting and chanting over Speaker Paul Ryan as he gavelled the House into session and tried to bring order.
Last week's shooting by an Islamic State sympathiser in Florida has reinvigorated calls for gun control in the US - and Democrats held photos of gun victims, along with their names, as they staged their sit-in.
'Where is our courage?' said Rep Lewis (centre)
Although the cameras in the House have been shut off, not-for-profit cable network C-SPAN has remained on the air by broadcasting live Periscope and Facebook feeds from the lawmakers demanding a vote.
Nearly 100 Democrats have been staging the demonstration led by Georgia Representative John Lewis, a veteran civil rights leader.
Video: Orlando Gunman Transcripts Released
"We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence," said 76-year-old Mr Lewis.
"What has this body done? Nothing. We have turned a deaf ear to the blood of innocents.
"We are blind to a crisis. Where is our courage? How many more mothers and fathers need to shed tears of grief?"
Democrats accused Republicans of political cowardice and demanded Speaker Ryan keep the chamber in session through recess next week to vote on firearms legislation.

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