Wednesday 22 June 2016

Teens 'Order Fast Food Deliveries At School'

Thursday 23 June 2016

Obesity campaigners are calling for new restrictions on fast food outlets after a survey revealed that one in four teenagers have ordered a takeaway to be delivered to their playground at school.
The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), which polled a small number of 13 to 18-year-olds for their perspective on childhood obesity, has warned further "hard-hitting measures" are needed to tackle the epidemic.
Their research suggests the majority of young people feel misled by the nutritional information displayed on food packaging, and want clear explanations on labels to help them make better dietary decisions.
Most believe labels should detail how many teaspoons of sugar are in soft drinks, as this is a more understandable measurement than grams.
Other proposals backed by those surveyed was a loyalty card to reward healthy food choices, or a simpler way of categorising food that is high in sugar, fat and salt - not dissimilar to the way films are certified as 12, 15 or 18.
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Shirley Cramer, the chief executive of RSPH, said: "Our childhood obesity rates are disappointing, and tackling this must be a priority for government - there can be no excuses for fudging action on what is our number one public health challenge.
"While we welcome the Government's introduction of a sugar levy on soft drinks, it is absolutely critical that the forthcoming childhood obesity strategy builds on this positive step with a basket of hard-hitting measures, from greater controls on advertising and marketing of junk food to food reformulation."
Professor Neena Modi, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, described the quantity of children who order fast food at school as a "great cause for concern" - and said schools must be part of the solution.
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She added: "It is now well recognised and extremely worrying that UK children leave school more overweight than when they start.
"As child health professionals treating children with obesity-related conditions we urge government to note that young people themselves are asking for help."
The RSPH's report comes ahead of the Government's childhood obesity strategy, which is due to be published later in the summer.

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